Aare River has become so well-known lately. The publication of its beauty as well as its deadly reviews are flooding public discussion in most mainstream medias and social media platforms. It’s like the river’s nature of behaviors Aare river like to meandering, drifting up and down Showing its calmness and peacefulness on the surface but danger inside. Those saying that swimming in river is fun couldn’t be that true especially those inexperienced and young ages or elderly. Jumping in all at once is so dangerous too.. as Cold does mind. Water could be muddy too that may endanger swimmers and so on and so forth.
Seeing many incidents and accidents are so heartbreaking then many attractions offered are finally in vain. The lovely Café on the Aare offers, diving attraction, great photo spots, Jogging tracks , floating, rafting swimming and so on … those attraction are gone… leaving many deadly and bad reviews to sympathize loss of souls on many accidents and incidents.
Hoping that all stake holders always do reviews on whatever best they plan for city’s point of interests. Then safety and beauty can be achieved all at once.
In a matter of safety.. this will be of good if we can keep equipping our selves on first aid knowledges should we experience such unfavorable condition. Continuing our previous article , I would share some guidelines on first aids treatments. Wherever we are on the ground or in the sky safety are most priority.
These guidelines are mostly done by air crews in the Air should they encounter emergency situation due to Passengers’ sickness. The treatment could be applicable for whatever situation
- Persistent pain
- Pale skin
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Perspiration
- Restlessness
- Move away from smoking section
- Recline seat
- Keep victim quite / comfortable
- Loosen tight do thing
- Give nothing by mouth
- Offer ice pack for abdomen DO NOT GIVE HEAT
- Make airsick bag available
- Offer oxygen
- Monitor victim
- Odor of alcohol
- Lack of coordination
- Slurred speech
- Extreme case may convulse
- encourage eating and non-alcoholic beverages
- maintain open airway
- offer oxygen if necessary
- allow passenger to sleep
Do not state the passenger is “drunk”-instead state that the passenger” appear to be intoxicated
- Labored breathing
- Wheezing
- Anxiety
- Possible blue/purple cast to fingernails lips (due to lack of oxygen)
- Passenger normally carriers own medication
- Make passenger as comfortable as possible
- If person becomes unconscious, may have to perform resale breathing
- Monitor victim’s condition.
The rapid loss of blood must be stopped immediately. Death can occur very rapidly in some cases. Four methods may be used to control bleeding: direct pressure, elevation, pressure on the supplying artery (pressure point), and the pressure bandage. The four techniques are described below in the order of preference.
- Direct Pressure
- Place sterile gauze compress directly over wound.
- Apply direct pressure with the palm of one hand over the entire of the wound.
- As blood soaks through the compress, apply additional compress (Es) without removing the old one(s). Be careful not to disturb blood clots that may form in the compress (Es).
- Elevation
- Raise the injured area above the level of the victim’s heart.
- Continue applying direct pressure over wound.
Note: Do not elevate if there is no evidence of a fracture of the wounded area. Elevation uses the force of gravity to reduce the blood pressure. In the injured area and aids in the reduction of blood loss through the wound opening.
- Pressure Point
- This technique involves applying pressure at a specific point on the arm or leg to temporarily compress the main artery supplying blood to the affected limb.
- Pressure points should only be used when absolutely necessary and should be used while applying direct pressure and elevation only, until the bleeding is controlled.
- Arm: Apply pressure over the brachial artery on the inside of the upper arm.
- Leg: Apply pressure over the femoral artery, forcing it against the pelvic bone, using the heel of your hand. The femoral artery is located on the front of the thigh, just below the middle of the crease of the groin.
- Pressure Bandage
- The final step to control bleeding is to apply a pressure bandage. Apply pressure while wrapping the bandage over the compress to keep pressure on the wound and slow the bleeding.
- Take the pulse and examine the fingertips in the injured limb after wrapping the bandage to make sure the bandage is not so tight that it slows the circulation. If it is too tight, the pulse rate may be slowed or absent, and the fingertips or toes may look bluish.
Note: When controlling bleeding avoid contact with blood. If possible:
- Wear protective gloves
- Have victim apply direct pressure
- Avoid contact with bloody dressing
If you come in contact with blood, wash area thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible.
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – June 09, 2022