As metioned in previous Articles, Airlines will still be playing so significant roles in all contries in the globes. And particularly post outbreak, Airlnes Industry should be thinking out loud for conservation programs in all sectors.
Fuels are most primary costs Airlies shall absorb.
These below articles are compiled from many sources of Fuel Conservations TIPS :
Flight planning
In order to achieve fuel savings, flight plans have to be accurate since carrying additional fuel leads to unnecessary fuel consumption and expenses. Another important factor in accurate flight planning is the correct airplane weight shall be obtained since applying incorrect weight may result in an incorrect uplift. Saving 1 minute in flight plan can save around 20,000 to $ 30,000 per year in fuel consumption.
Few hints for accurate flight plans are as follows:
- The aircraft data shall be accurate
- The amount of fuel on board shall be accurate
- Maintenance shall take care of airframe and engines deteriorations
- Proper speed shall be maintained
- The flight plan recommended altitudes shall be followed
- Traffic congestion shall be considered
- Taxi fuel shall be observantly considered
- Air conditioned shall be operated per flight plan
- Airplane weight and balance shall be accurate.
Weight reduction
Reducing aircraft operating weight affect on fuel savings for the rest of airplane life. Lower weight permits higher flight level and lessen fuel consumption. Individual weight reduction is relatively small but adding them could result in significant savings. Few areas where weight reductions are possible:
- Passenger service and food items :
Using less heavy equipment and consumables in relation to the number of passengers on board could reduce weigh and save fuel.
- Cargo and baggage containers :
The use of pallets and bulk loading could save trip fuel by 0.6-1.2 percent
- Emergency equipment and potable waters
Over water equipment weights will make airplanes heavier. It is advisable to remove this equipment to save fuel. Filling the tank to the required level based on passengers load could reduce trip fuel by 0.2 to 0.4 percent.
- Other items
Removal of lounges, entertainment equipment, and turbine thrust reserver if approved could reduce trip fuel
- Dirt
Remove dirt collected on board and some condensation of water vapor
- Weight of aircraft
The aircraft shall be weight in certain time intervals Care shall be exercised so that drainage of fuel tanks is done properly.
- Data accuracy
Operating weight shall be updated when modifications are performed on the airplanes. Any modification shall not add weight of aircraft in order to save fuels.
Those above areas may possibly lead to the reduce of landing weight and optimize fuel savings sin reducing landing weight by 5 tons will reduce trip fuel of 1.5 tons , subject to aircraft type, however the range of savings could be between 0.3 and 1.0 percent.
Short trip cruise speed
On short trips, an aircraft shall fly at light weight, low altitude and low speed to achieve economical operations
Enroutes temperature effect
For example, B747. the fuel mileage decreases about 0.5 to 0.7 percent for each 10 degrees increase of temperature. Selection of routes through cooler air mass may result in trip fuel savings
Reserve fuel
The choice of correct closest alternate will affect the aircraft not to carry unnecessary fuel uplift which eventually lead to lesser fuel consumption..
Maintenance Department’s fuel savings strategies:
Moving airplane through air requires power. The energy to move it is in proportion to the power required. It should have a smooth and preferably polished surface, no protruding “bumps “ and less drag. The airplane is designed for this reason with smooth surface and aerodynamically designed contour. Bumps creates turbulence airflows and requires more power to move it. Comprehensive maintenance program shall be scheduled to optimize the performance of aircraft.
The areas which must be observed are:
- Instrument
- Seal leakage
- Surface irregularities
- Control surface raging.
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 19, 2022