There are significant growth of startup Business B2B/ B2C, and again Malaysia is still so so sexy markets to explore.
Many Brands from neighbouring countries are basically benefiited by demograpic market segmentation whereby they could be potentially sharing similar traits – culture, race, Geographic area etc. This will drive personal products of Indonesian or malaysian can easily penetrate and compliments one anothers.
These below are mostly you must know to start up your internal shipping businesses along with Trnashipments procedures of B2B in Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur as point of transit for domestic cargo.
- Damaged cargo is repacked under security surveillance after inspection is carried out.
- Air Waybill.
- Cargo Manifest.
Animal and animal products – require approval from the Department of Veterinary Services.
Plants and plant material
- (Including seed, soil, insects, fungi and cultures of microorganisms)
- Intended for repacking or value-added activity and boxes to be opened, Import Permit must be obtained from Department of Agriculture Malaysia.
Courier Shipemnts ( B2C / C2C )
Shipment Value Threshold
If you wish to have exemption of duty tax payment in Malaysia your shipments shall be categorized in these following values limitation :Low Value Limit < 500 MYR
- High Value Limit > = 500 MYR no restriction on high value shipments
- Other than above the most probability of having shipments being held by Customs are big.
- All Non-Documents Material including Brochures & Promotional Material are subject to customs duties
Aircraft Parts, Bicycles spare parts, Heavy duty car stereo amplifiers, Motorbikes & spare parts, Tires, Binoculars which can be used in the dark or for taking photographs, Color printer/color photocopier, Computer Parts, Electric fans & spare parts, Electronic Passports, Laptop, Medical Equipment, Mother board and electronic board, Phone Card, Bank Draft, Bonds, Checks, Debit or Credit Card, Deeds, Passports, Airline tickets, Presswork (printing Films),Printouts, Stamps, Invoices with particular foreign letterheads of any company, Diskettes(with data or blank),Musical greeting cards, Photos, Goods having the photos or names of famous characters on them, musical notes, Software/CD ROM, Tape, Antiques, Artwork (General),Painting,Anti Islamic materials, Advertising Material, Tools and equipment used for producing Liquors, Clothes, Shoes, Toiletries, Watches, Personal Effects, Any kind of magical items, Batteries, any devices containing lithium, All types, clothes, machinery, shoes, electronics…,List origin of goods not allowed to be imported, CDs, DVDs, machines, toys, Printed matter, etc, Remote Controlled Helicopter/plane, Remote Controlled / High Speed Cars,
Furs, Leather products, Vermin, Non halal food (like pork, ham),Chilly spices, Chocolate, Coffee, Flavour, Frog meat, Fruits, Honey, Juices, Meat, Nuts, Tea, trees, Cocoa leaves, Flowers, Herb/Natural Products, Seeds, Wheat or Corn, Soil, Any mobile or machine linked to the GPS service, Two Way Radio Receivers such as Walkie Talkie, Handset, Mobile Phones, Satellite Equipment, TV, TV cards / Satellite cards, Voice changing devices, Newspaper, CDs, DVDs, Movies, Translation of Holy Quran without Arabic text, Alcohol, Wine, etc…,Psychotropic drugs, Medicines, Vitamins, Any other Pharmaceutical products, Cosmetics,
- Electronic Goods that contain telecommunication hardware and could need Military Security Approval.
- All kinds of drugs should have the Ministry of Health approval and Drugs Admiration Approval
- All kinds of food (including canned food) should have the Health Department approval.
- Telecommunication material should have the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority approval require Standards & Industrial Research Institute: it’s a permit required for telecommunications devices (mobiles, Bluetooth devices, etc…)(SIRIM) Permit.
Non Acceptable
Live and dead animals, Laser eyeglasses, Cash, Fake money, Coins, Anti-government propaganda documents, The star of David, Examples: Hereon, Opium, drugs raw material (powder, liquid), cannabis leaves, etc..,Cigarette, Cigars, Electronic Cigarettes, Tobacco, Advertising Material,Ammunitions,Firearms,Explosives,Bullets,Knives,Military technical equipment, Gold, Ivory, Jewelry, Precious metals, Precious stones, Silver, Diamonds, Stopped drugs (listed as per international convents),Fabrics Clothing (of asbestos),Hair, Perfumes ,Blood, Urine, Body Remains, bones, etc..,,,,,
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – April 07, 2022