Cat , dogs are part of the family. I had two lovely cats. Muezza is Himalayan breed cat with vivid blue eyes, and its coat, which comes in a variety of…
Its like double edged sword, word of liberalism is a kind of trademark wit. The adoption of liberalism idea in some countries have propelled the freedom and prosperity that define…
Hari Lebaran ( Eid al Fitr celebration ) is the event that people in most muslim countries are so awfully longing for. Since the outbreak broke down in 2020 people…
250 T spent during this Lebaran or around 60% incremental expenditures. Wow .. so huge amid this post pandemic. Of many spending during Lebaran, transportation is the post considered as mouth…
Hi All, PA Publication would wish you all Eid Fitr Mubarak for those who celebrate This article is continuation of my previous post on flight dispatcher Jobs in Airlines This job is…
Looking for Hot Flight attendant pictures ??? ohh noo 😀😀😀😀 Who don’t love traveling? it is adventurous and great. However, who knows that to have pleasant great flying experiences there will…
It’s been so interesting to see Flight Crew’s Jobs Their Jobs are Unlimitedly delivering the highest-quality of services standards that shall meet the safety and security standard and practices. This is…
In this article, i happened to observe there are significant passengers transformations 15 years back vs today. Ramadan Kareem is comming and there will be huge numbers of exodus in all…
Airlines industries along with its supply chains ( logistics, freight forwarders, couriers, warehouses, other mode of transportation ) connected to airlines within in flight supply chain models are still so…
As metioned in previous Articles, Airlines will still be playing so significant roles in all contries in the globes. And particularly post outbreak, Airlnes Industry should be thinking out loud…