Area :3
Capital :Jakarta (JKT)
Local Time: GMT + 7 / + 9 Daylight Saving Time:Indonesia does not observe DST.
Country Code :+ 62
Local Currency:Rupiah (IDR)
Bank Information: Closed on Saturday and Sunday. Public Holidays:AIRPORT INFORMATION( Subject to latest update due to Covid Situation )
CUSTOMS AIRPORTS Balikpapan (Sepinggan Airport) – BPN, Biak (Frans Kasiepo Airport) – BIK, Banjarmasin (Syamsuddin Noor Airport) – BDJ, Batam (Hang Nadim) – BTH, Banda Aceh (Blang Bintang) – BTJ, Jayapura (Sentani) – DJJ, Denpasar (Ngurah Rai Airport) – DPS, Jakarta (Soekarno Hatta Airport) – JKT, Jogyakarta (Adi Sucipto) – JOG, Makassar (hasanudin Airport) – UPG, Manado (Sam Ratulangi Airport) – MDC, Mataram (Eltari) – AMI, Medan (Polonia Airport) – MES, Padang (Tabing Airport) – PDG, Palembang (St. Badarudin Airport) – PLM, Pekanbaru (Simpang Tiga Airport) – PKU, Pontianak (Supadio Airport) – PNK, Surabaya (Juanda Airport) – SUB, Semarang (Achmad Yani Airport) – SRG, Solo (Adi Sumarmo Airport) – SOC.
Loading/Unloading equipment
Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Banjarmasin, Batam, Biak, Jakarta, Jayapura, Jogyakarta, Makassar, Manado, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya Available.
Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Banjarmasin, Batam, Biak, Denpasar, Jakarta, Jayapura, Jogyakarta, Makassar, Manado, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Semarang, Solo
Marking Packages must show country of origin.
Language on documents English.
Other requirements AWB: consignees residing in places other than Jakarta are recommended to appoint a customs clearance agent or representative in Jakarta whose name and address must be stated at the bottom.
All AWB’s must show full name and address, fax number, phone number, e-mail (if available) of both consignee and shipper. Abbreviations may not be used.
Number of pieces and total weight must tally with the AWB, invoice, packing list and cargo manifest. In case of partial shipment, the pieces and weights on the various cargo manifests, must tally to the total number of pieces and total weight appearing on the AWB.
Consolidation manifest should be attached for every consolidation cargo and consisted of shipper, consignee and cargo details.
Indonesia Government (Indonesia Customs) requires description of goods must be stated complete and detailed, not in general in column Nature and Quantity of Goods of the Air Waybill.
How specific that information must depends on the nature of the commodity. For example, “electronics” is not a precise description, but “CD players” or “Computer monitor” would be. The following terms are intended as a guide. They are illustrative, not exhaustive, example of acceptable an unacceptable description. Phrase or words in parenthesis are meant as examples.