Hi All,
An Air Canada passenger’s social media post about a vomit-covered seat became a viral news story earlier this month, and she is now speaking about the power of social media when it comes to holding airlines to account.( see insider News letter ). That could because of bad weather.
As the seasons shift, bad weather conditions have been making headlines, causing a surge in recent flight disruptions. From tumultuous thunderstorms to unpredictable winds, Mother Nature’s whims can often play havoc with Airlines best-laid travel plans. Yet, it’s important to remember that these weather-related flight disruptions, while inconvenient, are there for the safety of all on board. Airlines meticulously monitor meteorological data, making critical decisions to delay or reroute flights when conditions are less than optimal. The aim? To ensure every passenger reaches their destination safely. Despite these challenges, airlines are continuously working on innovative strategies to mitigate the impact of adverse weather, employing advanced forecasting tools and flexible scheduling. So, even in the face of the storm, you can trust that your safe journey is Airlines’ top most priority. Weather disruptions may cause temporary clouds in flight schedules, but Airlines commitment to your safe and timely travel remains clear and unwavering.See also my article Aviation Disruption by Flight Weather Conditions
Rest assured, your peace of mind is Airlines ultimate priority. In the unlikely event of flight disruptions, you might be tempted to drape yourself in a blanket of worry. But we urge you to resist. Why? Because airlines have robustly designed handling manuals, meticulously crafted to preemptively detect and efficiently manage possible disruptions. These manuals are the result of countless hours spent by our dedicated experts, analyzing data, and refining strategies to ensure your journey remains worry-free, regardless of bumps along the way. So, sit back and relax, confident in the knowledge that you’re in capable hands. We’ve got this covered. Your comfort, safety, and satisfaction are Airlines top most concerns, and Airlines are committed to making every flight a seamless experience. Remember, flight disruptions are rare, and even when they happen, they’re just temporary hitches in a well-oiled machinery, designed to safely take you from point A to point B.
Apart from Bad weather handling preparedness , there are other listing of the types of occurrences or safety events to be reported under the company’s incident reporting system. The list is neither exhaustive nor in any order of importance.
- Any system defect which adversely affects the handling or operation of the aircraft;
- Warning of smoke or fire, including the activation of toilet smoke detectors and galley fires;
- An emergency is declared;
- The aircraft is evacuated by means of the emergency exits/slides;
- Safety equipment or procedures are defective, inadequate or used;
- Serious deficiencies in operational documentation;
- Incorrect loading of fuel, cargo or dangerous goods;
- Significant deviation from SOPs;
- A go-around is carried out from below 1 000 ft above ground level;
- An engine is shut down or fails at any stage of the flight;
- Ground damage occurs;
- A take-off is rejected after take-off power is established;
- The aircraft leaves the runway or taxiway or other hardstanding;
- A navigation error involving a significant deviation from track;
- An altitude excursion of more than 500 ft occurs;
- Unstabilized approach under 500 ft;
- Exceeding the limiting parameters for the aircraft configuration;
- Communications fail or are impaired;
- A stall warning occurs;
- GPWS activation;
- A heavy landing check is required;
- Hazardous surface conditions, e.g. icy, slush and poor braking;
- Aircraft lands with reserve fuel or less remaining;
- A TCAS RA event;
- A serious ATC incident, e.g. near mid-air collision, runway incursion and incorrect clearance;
- Significant wake turbulence, turbulence, wind shear or other severe weather;
- Crew or passengers become seriously ill, are injured, become incapacitated or deceased;
- Violent, armed or intoxicated passengers, or when restraint is necessary;
- Security procedures are breached;
- Bird strike or Foreign Object Damage (FOD); and
- Any other event considered likely to have an effect on safety or aircraft operations.
Again regardless of the situation, rest assured that flying with airlines remains one of the safest modes of transportation. Despite the occasional disruptions due to unpredictable weather or technical issues, the airline industry’s primary commitment is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its passengers. Airlines are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, experienced crew, and comprehensive protocols designed to handle any situation that may arise. So, whether you’re soaring through clear skies or navigating through a storm, remember that you are in the hands of professionals who prioritize your safety and comfort above all else. Traveling by air, despite its complexities, continues to be a safe, efficient, and reliable way to reach your destination. So, buckle up, relax, and enjoy the journey.
Dont forget to always pray.
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant