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The ABB, a leading global technology company holds Formula E World Championship in the streets of Jakarta for the first time ever on June 4, 2022. See the most competitive line up in motorsport battle on the streets as they navigate their way around the Indonesian capital.

This is kind of extradinary good world class event that Jakarta Indonesia can host in. This will strenghten Jakarta positioning as modern city with its capability to hold various numbers of world’s prominent / grand events moving forward. Great campaign to attaract Tourism and business.

Good luck and all the best for the succesful event in Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit, Ancol Beach Saturday,June 4th 2022.

Logistics will play so significant roles to support any world event like Motor GP and Mandalika as well as this Formula E.

In this article we will share with you on how Automobiles are being transported in Air tarnsportation.

Carriage of cars are kind of challange for air transportation. Cars may contain parts that are harzardous and could be not apparent. Automobilles may contain ferro magnetic materials that may not meet definition of magnetized materials but they may be subject to stowage requirements due to its possibility of affecting aircraft instruments. Magnetized material is defined whenever any material has magnetic field strenght of 0.156 A/m or more at distance of 2.1 meters from anypoint on the surface of assembled package. Automobile may also contain engine or Carburettors or fuel tanks which contains or have contained fuel, wet battreys, compressed gass in tyre inflation devices , fire extinguishers, shocks/ struts with nitrogen , air bag inflators , airbag modules etc.

So there must be checklists to be adhared to in carriage of automobile.

Automobiles are also categorized as Oversized Cargo therefore advanced arrangement must be set forth to ensure handling of this special heavy cargo are smoothly done at loading, transfer and unloading stations. Packages or pieces of extreme length or of unusual shape or of excessive weight or requiring special attention will not be accepted for transportation unless advance arrangements have been made.

Advance arrangement must include positioning of necessary Ground Support Equipment. Advance availability check must be made for required loading/unloading techniques, extra manpower, if necessary, as well as consideration to ground operational time constraints. Shipments requiring special devices for safe handling will be accepted only when such special devices are provided and operated by and at the risk and expense of the shipper.

Cargo loaded into structural containers must not exceed the physical limitation of the size and structural weight capacity limitation of the container used. Containers can be regarded as small aircraft holds in themselves which can be removed from the aircraft and loaded in a warehouse. Spreaders must be used within the container where necessary.

Pallets can be regarded as pieces of the aircraft floor which are removed for easy loading. Like the aircraft floor, pallets have a strength which must not be exceeded, and therefore, spreaders must be used. Because pallets are relatively flexible, it may be necessary to use spreaders, not only to satisfy floor limitations, but also to keep the pallet flat for easy movement within the aircraft and on the ground. Care should be taken that the lesser value of the ULD’s gross weight maximum or the aircraft structural floor bearing load limitations is observed.

Such cargo necessitating the use of spreaders are typical examples of Special Heavy Cargo (SHC). Special handling and attention will be required for the building of the ULDs as well as with the loading and unloading of such ULDs.

Any cargo with a weight exceeding 1,451 kgs. (3,200 lbs.) per piece for B747LR/SR, B747-400, B777-200 (Intl Operation), B767-300/300ER, B767-300F are defined as Special Heavy Cargo (SHC) and will only be accepted subject to prior arrangements.

Heavy density loose cargo for bulk loading which exceeds 100 kgs. (220 lbs.) per piece is also regarded as Special Heavy Cargo (SHC) since additional attention including tie-down within the bulk compartment plus extra manpower may be required to handle the shipment at origin and destination stations.

Fundamentally, Oversized Cargo (OSC) only exist with pallet loads where the box(es) overhang from the pallet.

As the aircraft hull has a curvature, overhanging objects can fit into the lower deck cargo compartment by applying dunnage on the pallet(s) which will raise the object to a height where the needed clearance can be attained.

Door size of the cargo compartments is the other limiting factor in accommodating Oversized Cargo. Particular attention must be placed with the door and ceiling limitations of the bulk compartment when large boxes are intended for loading in the bulk compartment.

Special Heavy and Oversized Cargo must not be accepted without making advance arrangements with both the loading and unloading stations.

Advance Request Message:

The origin Reservations or Sales Office must request advance arrangement to both loading and unloading stations at least 3 calendar days,

The messages shall cover any detail information pertaining to the carriage and handling requirements

  • Message must have cargo identifiers whether shipment is categorized in OSC (Oversized Cargo ) or SHC ( Special Heavy Cargo ).
  • Flight Number and Date
  • Point of Loading and Unloading
  • AWB Number (if AWB number unassigned, indicate AWB Number later)
  • Number of Pieces/Weight)
  • Commodity Name
  • Dimension of the Package (Length/Width/Height)
  • Dimension of Base/Skid, if any (Length/Width/Height)
  • Material of Exterior Packing
  • Shipper’s Name and Address with Phone Number
  • Consignee’s Name and Address with Phone Number
  • Other Information

Happy Racing ….

Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses

Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant

By Bams – June 01, 2022

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