There has been increasing numbers of gun-related death since 2019. More than 250,000 people died as a result of firearms worldwide. Nearly 71% of gun deaths were homicides, about 21% were suicides, and 8% were unintentional firearms-related accidents. A smaller subset of gun deaths occurs as the result of mass shootings and school shootings, which are often highly publicized.
People are saying that gun death is a kind of epidemic due to increasing deaths toll by many countries. Many incidents to have happened in schools or could happen everywhere, this is so hearth breaking.
In Aviation, there has been very strict control of transporting Gun/ ammunition carried as carried on baggage (security item) or as consignment to avoid horriffically shooting / hijacking incidents.
Firearms not accepted in checked baggage to/from any European or Asian destination. The only exception to this rule is Government and Military personnel with correct documentation. Firearms and ammunition will be accepted only as checked baggage and can be included in the free baggage allowance. They must be in a suitable crushproof container either made specifically by the manufacturer or a hard suitcase. Ammunition must be in the original manufacturer’s box, no loose shells/ bullets accepted. Maximum per case 2 rifles/shotguns or 5 pistols/revolvers along with 11lbs/ 5kgs of ammunition shooting mat, noise suppressors and tools. Weapons must be unloaded. Baggage must be locked and only the passenger can carry the key. If passenger does not supply a lock, Airline has locks available for purchase. Passengers must complete a declaration which must be placed inside the container with the firearms. The declaration states that the weapons are unloaded.
Gun handling
Measures to be taken for security and safety
Handling Procedure:
Passenger with the gun and/or ammunition will be escorted by the Airport Security to the check in counter. Security / The in-charge staff has to ensure that the ammunition is removed from the gun. The gun owner will have to hand over the gun to Airlines Security or the check in staff with Certificate of the ownership of the gun, issued by the relevant authorities or For Army personnel, they have to produce a duty travel letter from the officer on duty or government agent.
A Security Item Receipt form, must be signed by the Passenger. Copies to be given to the Passenger as a receipt and other copies to be kept in the office and 1 given to Security.
Maximum bullets per Passenger are 12 bullets and maximum allowed onboard are 100 bullets
Security or the check in staff will bring the item to the aircraft and the captain will have to sign the form as acknowledgment for acceptance.
The item will be placed in a locked Security Box and the captain will keep the key for the Security Box in the cockpit. Whenever aircraft has landed, the arriving station must be advised of this cargo onboard the aircraft before the aircraft lands to enable them to prepare for its offloading
Upon arrival at the destination, staff will request the key from the captain and open the Security Box
The item will be brought to the Arrival Hall by the staff and will be handed over to the Passenger
Passenger will have to sign the Security Items Receipt to confirm handover.
By doing the above, the probability of Gun abuses to be fully avoided during flight or in the airport.
There are another accession in the airlines too that prisoner could be moved from one place to others.
Acceptance of a Prisoner
Guardians and Seating / Placement for Prisoner
AIRLINES must be advised by the Authorities of the prisoner not less than 3 hours before STD, together with the supporting documents example-documents for the duty officer, officer’s ID, prisoner’s ID and the risk level of the prisoner. Prisoner with high risk must be escorted by a minimum of two officers.
Only One high risk prisoner per aircraft is allowed to be uplifted.
Carrier must confirm that the prisoner has undergone security checks and does not carry any risk item onboard the aircraft. Carrier must also notify the Pilot in Command and cabin crew about the prisoner and the officer on board and their seat allocation.
In term of boarding and disembarking, Prisoner and the officer must board first and disembark last.
The seat allocation: the prisoner and the officer must be seated in the last row and are not allowed to sit at the emergency exit row. The officer must be seated in the aisle with the prisoner in the seat next to him/her.
A high-risk prisoner must be handcuffed. The prisoner must not be handcuffed to any part of the aircraft interior. The carrier must advice the officer in-charge that the prisoner cannot be handcuffed during the flight in case of an emergency.
The prisoner must always be under the supervision of the officer. And during the flight, the prisoner and the officer are allowed to have refreshments, provided:
- The food and beverages will not cause loss of consciousness and/ or intoxicate both the officer and the prisoner.
- The cutlery used will not jeopardize the safety of the flight.
The officer is not allowed to bring any kinds of weapons onboard.
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – June 08, 2022