Hi Academia,
Integrity Power is a term used to describe the power or influence that comes from behaving with integrity, honesty and ethical values.
Integrity Power enables individuals and organizations to build trust, create a positive reputation, and establish strong relationships with stakeholders. It ultimately leads to long-term success and sustainability.
This is because individuals and organizations that are known for their Integrity Power are seen as dependable, consistent, and reliable. They are more likely to attract loyal customers, win the respect of their employees, and gain the trust of investors and other stakeholders. Integrity Power is especially important in today’s business world, where ethical concerns and social responsibility are increasingly valued by consumers and investors alike. By cultivating Integrity Power, individuals and organizations can differentiate themselves from their competition and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
One way to cultivate Integrity Power is through a code of ethics or a set of guiding principles that are consistently upheld and communicated throughout the organization.
This code of ethics should address issues such as conflicts of interest, confidential information, fair competition practices, and social responsibility. It should also include procedures for reporting unethical behavior and addressing violations of the code. By implementing and enforcing a code of ethics, organizations can create a culture that values Integrity Power and promotes ethical behavior at all levels.
Power Action Transportation and Business info wants to share the examples how very strong branding of so prominent , regimented , well known Havard University can sustain its name. One word ; Integrity to its commitments and ethique:
Harvard Business School (HBS) Ways For Success
- Harvard is challenged to expand its business coverage with no dilution to brand.
- One of HBS ways to the Best is through its maintenance on strict control to the brand and a market focus creations.
- Best campus with vast numbers of facilities including its beautiful, shady, and comfortable park does attract students. HBS also could manage to create world business leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, consultants and successful world-class corporate funders that make its name so impressive and famous.
- HBS graduates mostly have an average initial earn of more than of usd 145,000 per year which is higher than any other business universities.
- HBS is very strict and disciplined to maintain integrity. Its plan directions toward success are also very clear and consistent which affects the brand to glow.
- Good, sustainable relationship with the alumni is another ingredient of HBS success.
- HBS has three highly preserved differentiations namely: product quality, strong well maintained communities with the alumni, and the necessity to create something out of the box which becomes a trend setter for the public and the world business communities on every research they make.
- The HBS staffs as well as lecturers truly understand the culture of their brand and ideology. They take a very good care of them on their day by day activities.
- Doctrine: we must be the best in the world making a very strong penetration that can manage HBS brand to be very much well maintained and protected.
- HBS strength also lies in the research program which is always up to date with the actual business issues. The curriculums are also full of case studies that are very useful for world industry.
- To develop its products, HBS creates product line expansion without jeopardizing brand integrity. Executive education program with worth of $ 4 billion dollars is a form of expansion of a HBS’ products.
- HBS will not compromise on the quality and quantity of brands including its distance learning program.
Those are few samplings of Havard Business School upholds its integrity
See you in next insight
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses amiinBambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 29, 2023