Jakarta has been always a Lucky Dream to all people. No wonder huge migration of people from all over Java and other Indonesian islands to Jakarta Look at this Arus Balik ( Return Traffic ) back to Jakarta after this Hari Raya. It’s unbelievably huge.
Jakarta is not only representing Capital of Indonesia but also showcasing regional hub of many prominent brandings representation of many regional players. Not to mention on how many foreign entities been in years operation in Indonesia. I have been working for 30 years in many companies , mostly Multi National Companies. And mostly in Jakarta he he☺️☺️..And all I have to say they are mostly so lean. Only Few expatriates and high-level Executives running the Companies. Few core Executives running for nationwide.
Maybe if all cities are lean, people are no longer neccesary to migrate to certain city.
Go back to worlds’ lean companies governance :
Most of the time Multi National Companies set up are based upon light weight investments whereby Corporations are being set up on Reengineering, Outsourcing and Partnership or Joint Venture Models.
Reengineering: Company is focusing on functional departments to reorganizing by key processes, Key persons managed by each multidiscipline teams.
Outsourcing: Companies are mostly not making everything inside but to buying more products from outside if they can be obtained cheaper and better. Virtual companies outsource everything, so they own very few assets and, therefore, earn extraordinary rates of return.
Partner–suppliers: From using many suppliers to using fewer but more reliable suppliers who work closely in a “partnership” relationship with the company.
This is the example :
The Benetton Group, Italian Branding
Products : selling for fashion clothing, mainly casual wear
Networks :has around 6,500 shops in 120 countries,
Manufacturing plants : Europe, Asia, the Middle East and India,
Revenues : of more than 2 billion Euros.
Demographical Distribution :
The labour-intensive phases of production (tailoring, finishing and ironing) while the company continued to manufacture the capital-intensive parts of the operation (weaving, cutting, dyeing, quality control) in Treviso in north-eastern Italy, Spain, Portugal (now closed), Hungary, Croatia, Tunisia, India and Turkey and more recently through its Asia Pacific subsidiary production in China and south-east Asia through Hong Kong and Bangkok.
Points of ideas here if Beneton is doing all of Business activities in Italy alone, Hmmm … If there are another 10 Companies are exercising similar Business models of Centralistic operation, then.. There will be too heavy urban ,Traffics , imbalance socio economical relating issues, especially should there be any big events involving Mass people mobility. Its going to be hard to manage and control.
Every Business Set up will trigger corresponding communities:
Site community : Geographical location of a companies’ operations, offices and assets.
Fence-line community: Immediate neighbors receiving the positive and negative effects of business activities
Impact communities: Affected by externalities from facility (e.g., pollution traffic)
Cyber community: All parties that use the internet to operate the company
Communities of Interest: Stakeholders that have a real interest in the company
Communities of practice: Those who engage in similar activities or practices
Employee community: Those who work or live near facility
If those communities should physically present themselves in same places, same time in other to run businesses.. hmmmm .. the city will be facing never ending problems of urban issues as above.
It’s like Beneton Group… If its spread of operation is centralized in Italy. Then Italy will be heavily congested.
What if every City in Indonesia is proposing their point of differentiation , strength , values prepositioning and Branding ,
Jakarta is center of World’s Business negotiations, and representations.
Bali is branded for as Tourist and Cyber Communities … you know that Bali is Home of Digital Nomad other than Thailand / Latin America etc
Metropolitan Cities as center of MICE ( Meeting, Incentive, Conference exhibition )
Productions are centralized in secondaries location with less populated areas whereby Site community, Fence-line community, Employee community will follow the set up and facilities.
And so on and so forth
Then Jakarta’s burdens could be distributed to other cities with no disruption on Business’s goals and other commercial objectives ; Revenues Generation like Beneton Group above.
It’s now still Viral he he☺️☺️ ( I am not political guy.. i dont wanna comment on that ) Current Controversy of IKN …. Migrating huge chunks of Governmental relating activities will ‘relieve’ Jakarta which is too heavy. If those happen …
Palangkaraya of Kalimantan will be newly Branded as Coutry of Administration.
I saw there is still massive discussion on this assessment based upon all sociopolitical, cultural etc …
Praying all stakeholders can outlay Best colectively WIN Solution to our Beloved Country.
Soooo…theoritically .. Segregating Cities based upon brandings could be of way to trigger Communities movements/ attachments onto correspond Brandings… and Walla….. Maybe next 10 years our children / grand children will not see Arus Mudik and Arus Balik ( in / out exodus ) during festive holidays. Because Jakarta may not be too Populated hehe…
Many Countries can be models of Grand design of City layout roadmaps.
Conclusion :
Lets think of LEAN
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – May 07, 2022