It’s been so interesting to see Flight Crew’s Jobs
Their Jobs are Unlimitedly delivering the highest-quality of services standards that shall meet the safety and security standard and practices. This is so important job as they have to deal with airworthiness, compliance and pressure.
Especially Flight attendants, so challenging and demanding job, regardless the above , flight attendants require glamorous people. No matter what whenever flying they always look hot, cute and elegant
Which are the most attractive Airlines stewardess ??
There we go :
- Air France 2. Viet Jet Air
- Singapore Airlines
- Emirates
- Kingfisher Airlines
- Lufthansa
- Cathay Pacific
- Aeroflot
- Thai Airways International
- Virgin Atlantic
You wanna be Flight Crews ??
Check this out These below are relating to Crews’ routine that maybe useful for anyone whose dreams are to fly
On duty service flights all crew member have to perform:
- Finishing of travel documents, baggage check as well as briefing before departure
- Doing final check of the aircraft
the crew members shall report at the departure station prior to departure
- For domestic flight : 75 minutes.
- For international flight : 90 minutes.
HOW ARE CREW HANDLED before flight :
- Area Managers should have relations to the crew members as well as Captain in Command.
- Some station terminals have a crew room facility. It is for crew rest while waiting for their continuation or next onward duty.
- Any further information received from Head Office will be passed and discussed with the captain.
Crew Baggage
Crew baggage weight
The maximum weight allotted to crew members for carriage of their personal effects and work equipment is:
- One day trip : 5 kg
- Multidays trip : 15 kg
Any additional excess of the above weights will be subject to further arrangement and could be charged accordingly.
Crew baggage items
The crew baggage are further broken down and itemized as follows:
International flight: (Multidays)
- Male : 1 suitcase; 1 flight bag; 1 coat cover.
- Female : 1 suitcase; 1 cabin suitcase; 1 hand bag.
Regional/Domestic flight:
One day trip:
Male : 1 suitcase; 1 flight bag.
Female : 1 suitcase; 1 cabin suitcase; 1 hand bag.
Multidays trip:
Male :1 suitcase; 1 flight bag.
Female :1 suitcase; 1 cabin suitcase; 1 hand bag.
Crew baggage tag
It is responsibility of the individual crew member that each piece of his/her baggage which delivered for storage in the aircraft is provided with a tag. This tag is obtainable at the counter and at s stations.
This tag is mentioning:
- Flight Number
- Date
- Destination
The crew member is responsible for:
- filling up the boxes of the label
- delivering to check in counter
- claiming the baggage upon arrival at destination
- replacing the label when the boxes are full
Crew Accommodation
Crews remain overnight will be accommodated in hotel or crew mess at some stations which are arranged by Area Manager. The hotel or mess must be met the requirements which must consist of:
- Safety and corporate image
- Transportation facilities to/from airport
- Healthy condition environments
- Clean and rest facilities
At station where no crew mess available, a representative hotel is selected by management.
Accommodation Assignment
- Private room = Pilot in Command
- Double room = Other crew member with the same sex/setting crew in case of room shortage, the following crew member may pair in one
Double room.
- Crew member of same corps and gender
- Engineer
In certain case i.e. no more pairing, single room may be given to higher crew member ranking.
In one double room may be assigned not more than 2 crew member
Crew Transport
The LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE will be responsible for arranging ground transportation for crew at station from airport to the hotel and back to airport before departure of aircraft.
All further costs of transport for private use are in their own accounts
Remark : To avoid double billings, crew members have to register daily at hotel if crew members stay more than one day due to the aircraft stranded in other airport.
Crew Welfare
On Idul Fitri, Christmas, New Year’s eve a diner party may be held for crew members which night stopping at en-route station, under permission/advice of Head Office.
Illness Of Crew At En-Route Station
If a crew member forced by illness and have no ability to continue his duty, this following actions to be taken:
- Notify immediately to Head Office
- Consult with local appointed physical
* kind of illness, duration stay at Station concerned
- Replacement by ground staff is not allowed
The continuation of the flight will be decided by the Operation Director or some one to be appointed to.
Minimum total Flight Attendant on each type of aircraft are dependent on Aircraft Types calsses served.
Crew Information Sheet (CIS)
Misunderstanding and difficulties may occur in stations because some crew member are not familiar yet with local regulations and arrangements.
A certain “Crew Information Sheet” shall be issued containing particulars about:
- Hotel being accommodated
- What is include
- Laundry/dry cleaning
- Tips
- Calling time
- Crew transportation Airport/Hotel vv
- Public Transport as bus, taxi fares
- Addresses and phone numbers of Area Manager/Marketing Manager,Station Manage , District Manage,, Technical Dept., Office hours, Public Holidays.
- What to do in case of sickness of crew member
- Caution in consuming certain food, drinking tab water
- Recommended Restaurant in reasonable price
- Regarding hygiene, diseases
- Customs/Immigrations/Foreign currency Regulations
- Climate, clothing
- Places to avoided
- Public Services, church, mosque
- Sport facilities, sight seeing, city tour, entertainments
- Additional information of Customs/Immigrations
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – April 15, 2022