After so intensive searches using various methods ; drones , boats ,divers to police sniffer dogs, the Bern police eventually reported that a lifeless man was rescued from the Aare River at the Engehald dam. It was then confirmed that the deceased is Emmeril Khan Mumtadz the Indonesian citizen who had an accident in the Aare on May 26, 2022 who had gone missing for 14 days.
Our heartfelt condolence for late Eril. May Allah grant you Jannah. According to the news that Eril’s body will be repatriated back home on Sunday. Praying that all are going as smooth up to the burial that must be done in full honor.
With all full respects to Eril’s family, we just would share article on how Human remains undergoes respectful handling during carriage on air transportation.
It is the policy of Airlines to ensure that Human Remains are carried correctly with due sensitivity being given due to the nature of the cargo.
With regards to Human Remains, prior to acceptance and/or after arrival, special care must be given to ensure that discretion and sensitivity of handling, including aircraft loading, are maintained at all times.
Special facilities are ought to be made available for the receipt and holding of Human remains as well, Airlines staffs should ensure that the facilities are well maintained, clean and suitable for the purpose.
Despite this compassionate reason, procedure still has to be carried out upon acceptance, handling , complying to documentations stowage etc.
Human remains may only be accepted from a bona fide Funeral Director (Funeral Home) or other locally approved source (such as a hospital mortuary). The Funeral Director may be considered for validation as a Known Consignor, in accordance with the criteria for Known Consignor validation or received from a Regulated Agent – Aviation Security. Otherwise they must be treated as unknown cargo and subjected to 100% screening for security purposes. Human Remains must not be accepted for carriage by air unless they are embalmed or cremated.
Before acceptance advance arrangements must have been made and confirmed. This includes confirmation that aircraft loading and handling restrictions can be complied with on all requirements Human Remains may not be consolidated with other goods and must travel on a single airwaybill ( airwaybill is document for air carriage) , which may cover more than one HUM.
There are several documents that shall be made available during carriage. Human remains must be accompanied by:
- Certificate of Death issued by a competent authority at origin, and any other documentation as required by transit and destination countries.
- An official Certificate of Cremation must accompany cremated remains.
- Consignment Security Certificate (CSC) and, where applicable, a Security Exemption Certificate
- For non-cremated remains, departing from the USA, a written certification from the Funeral Directors that the coffin has been hermetically sealed.
Certificates should be legalized, where necessary, by the Local Consul of the country of destination.
Packing & Marking
Cremated Remains must be shipped in funeral urns, which are efficiently protected against breakage by cushioning packaging.
Human remains must be contained in a soldered inner coffin of lead or zinc, which in turn MUST be packed in a wooden coffin. For carriage within the UK and between the UK and Eire, a hermetically sealed metal casket is not required for embalmed corpses.
The coffin must be leak proof.
However the use of specific wood packaging material is restricted in many countries and we must check what requirements to adhere to.
The wooden coffin MUST be packed to be protected from damage in an outer case, or may be covered up by canvas or tarpaulin so that the nature of the contents is not apparent.
Strong handles must be adequately fixed to the outer packing to facilitate lifting and handling.
Tie-on labels should be used whenever possible. In the event that Caskets containing cremated remains it must be packed in a sealed outer box or outer case.
Orientation marks/labels must be affixed on opposite sides.
Handling shall be done with respects and care when a coffin is enclosed in a crate, the accepting station must ensure that any inappropriate lettering or marks on the crate are obliterated. Arrangements of the loading and unloading of a coffin shall be made in such manner so that the passengers will not see it. The accepting stations must specifically clear with the station of discharge that this can be satisfactorily carried out within the scheduled transit time. In a matter of Stowage, it must be under no circumstances should any other load be placed on top of Human Remains. Coffins must always also be handled and stowed in the horizontal position.
Whenever possible, Human Remains must always be stowed away from foodstuffs, otherwise a minimum separation of 0.6m (2ft) should be observed.
It is not necessary to segregate Human Remains from Live Animals, but where possible Live Animals should not be stowed adjacent to Human Remains. While there are no scientific or technical reasons for segregation, it may be ethical for cultural reasons to segregate them.
Notification to Commander ( NOTOC ) has to be made prior to departure. Wherever possible, Human Remains must be loaded on a pallet (wide bodied Aircraft and for narrow body the maximum weight allowed for a single piece is around 60kgs or else prior approval shall be made.
Indonesia Loves You Dear Eril, And Allah Loves you more😢😢😭
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – June 10, 2022