Hi guys…. these are Part 2 of what you guys ahould know if you intend to do business in singapore.
Enjoy Reading
Plants and plant material
Restricted items: All live plants including foliage, seeds and other propagatable materials with or without potting medium, soil, peat moss, fertilizer of plant origin need an import permit from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority. A Phytosanitary Certificate from the country of origin of the above listed plants and other materials is also required. The conditions for import of plants and plant products are listed in our web page at http://www.ava.gov.sg.
- Live insects including eggs, larvae and pupae, microorganisms of agricultural importance and fertilizers of plant origin, a prior approval from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority is required.
- Flowers, fruits and vegetables originating from countries under the American Tropics, an import permit from the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority and Phytosanitary Certificate from the country of origin are required.
- CITES Import Permit issued by the CITES Management Authority (AVA) of Singapore and CITES Export/Re-export Permit issued by the country of export are also required for the import of species of plants, plant produce and insects that are endangered. The list of CITES controlled plants, plant produce and insects is listed at http://www.cites.org
- For further enquiries please contact the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority: Tel.: 67519842/843, Fax: 67520170/67582979.
Arms, ammunition and explosives
- Only licensed dealers are allowed to engage in the import and export of arms, ammunition and explosives in Singapore. For both import and export consignments, all applications for carriage by air must be supported by Import and Export Licenses and/or End User Certificate from the final destination. Applications must be made to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore in the prescribed forms giving full details of the consignment and by giving at least 7 working days notice. Approval for the import and export of arms, ammunition and explosives must be obtained from the Police Department and Ministry of Defense. Transshipment is considered as Import and Export for such consignments.
- Carriage of munitions of war:
- All transshipment applications for munitions of war must be submitted by the airline concerned to the Police Department 2 weeks before the aircraft arrives in Singapore. Such applications must be supported by an Import License and/or End User Certificate of the final destination. An Import License is a statement issued by the proper authority e.g. Import Office or the local Embassy of the country of final country stating that the consignment concerned is to be imported into that country. An End User Certificate is usually an undertaking in writing by the government department concerned of the final destination. The application for the air carriage of munitions of war for import, export or transshipment, together with an Import License and/or End User Certificate of the final destination must be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore at least 7 working days before the intended date of carriage.
- All munitions of war used for sporting purposes are deemed to be munitions of war. Accordingly, all such carriages must be covered by Carriage of Munitions of War (Sporting) Permits
Dangerous goods
- The import and export of dangerous goods by air must adhere strictly to the rules and regulations stated in the latest edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air manual. Applications for the carriage of dangerous goods by air must be made to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore in the prescribed forms giving full details of the consignment accompanied by relevant supporting documents from shipper and/or cargo agents, at least 7 working days before the intended date of carriage. Airlines may also apply for block permits for the air carriage of dangerous goods from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.
Narcotics and drugs (controlled drugs)
- A license to import controlled drugs is required from the Manufacturing & Quality Audit Division (MQA), Health Products Regulation Group, Health Sciences Authority, for the import of narcotics and drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act/Regulations.
Human remains
- Cremated: There is no need for the production of Death Certificate and Cremation Certificate for the import or export of cremated human remains.
- Not cremated: Death Certificate showing name, nationality, age and sex of deceased, date, cause and place of death. Medical Certificate stating the means used to preserve and to encoffin the human remains. Special Import Permit from Airport Health Office. Prior notice with particulars of both certificates will enable Carrier’s Freight Dept., Singapore Airport to apply for permit.
- The fee for the permit is SGD 10.00. If the documents are in a language other than English, an English translation of these must be provided.
Pharmaceutical and chemical products
- Pharmaceutical Raw Materials and Related Products
- A poisons license is required for the import of pharmaceutical products, veterinary products, diagnostic kits, reagents and standards containing substances listed in Poisons List under the Poisons Act. If these products are controlled or contain substances controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act/Regulations, a separate license to import controlled drugs is required. For enquiries, please contact the Manufacturing & Quality Audit Division (MQA), Health Products Regulation Group, Health Sciences Authority
- In addition, a product license or import license for medicine and vaccines) is required if the pharmaceutical product is a medicinal product for human consumption. For enquiries, please contact the Pharmaceuticals & Biologics Branch (PBB), Therapeutic Products Division, Health Products Regulation Group, Health Sciences Authority at Tel.: 065-68663437; Fax: 065-64789032.
To be continued to Next Articles
Salam Sehat, semangat Suksesss
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 28, 2022