Its like double edged sword, word of liberalism is a kind of trademark wit. The adoption of liberalism idea in some countries have propelled the freedom and prosperity that define the quality of life. That’s driven to equality.. despite equality doesn’t necessarily lead to Liberalism. You can figure out what county I’m trying to refer to. American style , American centric of liberty have been defined as trademarks and way of lives for many people around the globes.
The adoption of the philosophy I believe will never been a kind of ending learning processes and stories .. so complicated challenges …the point here is how to convert things to be more humane true liberalism. Maybe we can call it Democratic hence Norms are still being the guidelines to follow.
There have been many instances of viral news we heard of .. people are behaving “too liberal” addressing to whatever many societal lives… therefore to extend this could be categorized “unruly” in many kind of occasion. Like one happened just recently , a young passenger was swearing offensive words in the aero planes with other older passengers. This is kind of serious offense to aviation law.
Year to date 2022 FAA Federal Administrative Aviation ) recorded there have been 1,375 unruly incidents. This abusive conduct is treated so serious in aviation safety security other than Bomb threat and Hijacking.
The word unruly could represent ; disorderly behavior , violent behavior , aggressive behavior , disruptive behavior , rebellious behavior , riotous behavior , undisciplined behavior , abhorrent behavior , abhorrent conduct , abominable behavior , abusive behavior , appalling behavior , appalling conduct , atrocious behavior , bad behavior , boisterous behavior , criminal behavior , disgusting behavior , disorderly conduct , drunken behavior. However Aviation is only labeling them as either UNRULY or CRIMINAL.
Some categories of Unlawful conducts in aviation industries
- Act Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
- Attempted Act of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
- Unlawful Act Against the safety of Civil Aviation
- Attempted Unlawful Act against the Safety Civil Aviation
- Other Act of Unlawful Interference
unruly can be one categorized under Unlawful Act Against the safety of Civil Aviation
In normal circumstances that Airlines officers can mitigate this disruption, maybe this unruly incident can be resolved with discontinuing passengers on certain flights up to the passengers feel more comfortable on next available flights. Imposing sanction or penalties to the unruly passengers could be of option too or in further extend the incidents are brought to Airlines Securities / Airport Securities or Police report enforcements.
In the event of more serious offence that lead to hijacking. This happened in certain airlines whenever there were uncontrollable delays / creeping delays , situation was chaotic and frustrating as there were too many unruly passengers and eventually ended up with ‘seizing’ certain flight to transport them to their destination.
Should there be such a HIJACK THREAT REPORT what airliners do ?
- Keep calm and do not panic
- Inform ATC and/ or the Company via company channel(s)
- Return to Apron/ to the place designated by ATC
- Announcement to pax is “technical reason”
- Follow instruction given by ground official (if possible)
- Maintain a normal/routine atmosphere in the cabin
- Keep calm and do not panic
- Inform ATC and/or the Company via company channel(s)
- Avoid any action that might invite or trigger premature action from the prospective hijacker (such as a sudden assembly of the crewmembers whispering, pointing toward pax carrying manifest, etc).
- Intensity alertness and vigilance on pax while maintaining a normal and routine atmosphere in the cabin.
- No one may enter the cockpit without prior permission
Pilot-in-Command is responsible and has full authority to take any appropriate action for the safety of pax aircrew and aircraft
Follow the instruction given by the hijacker within performance capabilities of the aircraft and the aircrew in terms of performance, etc.
- Keep calm and do not panic
- Avoid making any sudden movements
- If possible, transmit as much information as possible via VHF radio, frequency in current use
- Use as many technical and/or operational reasons as possible in order to delay departure
- Keep calm and do not panic
- Inform ATC and/or the Company via company channel(s)
- Avoid any action that might invite or trigger premature action from the prospective hijacker (such as a sudden assembly of the crewmembers whispering, pointing toward pax carrying manifest, etc).
- Intensity alertness and vigilance on pax while maintaining a normal and routine atmosphere in the cabin
- No one may enter the cockpit without prior permission
- Use the nearest interphone to get such Permission
- Upon landing, follow the guidelines as laid down and leave the execution of the “Search Procedures” to the authorized officials (Bomb disarmament/Disposal Squad)
If conditions permit, do as follows:
- Turn off loudspeaker; HF and Selcal
- Cockpit Voice Recorder, keep on “ON”
- Squawk A 7500
- Squawk A 7700, if the danger is imminent and immediate assistance is required
- Apply personnel approach to hijacker in order to: deterintention,calm his down, release/disembark passenger (children, sick-passenger, aging person, women)
Squawk A 7500 :
This code is used to indicate that the aircraft has been hijacked and requires emergency support from security services and air traffic control.
To be continued to next article
See ya
Salam sehat semangat sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – May 18, 2022