Airlines industries along with its supply chains ( logistics, freight forwarders, couriers, warehouses, other mode of transportation ) connected to airlines within in flight supply chain models are still so lucrative field, essential, well paid as long as we have certified training licence on certain path.
Airlines are now resuming, it might be time to invest your selves to align with one of airlines high profile jobs as flight Dispatcher.
These below are reading materials for you 🙂
Flight Dispatcher duty:
- Making decisions as to scheduled operation, delayed operation, rerouting or cancellation of flight.
- Pre-flight Crew briefing
- Composition.
- Duty time limitation.
- Meteorology; SIGMET, TAFOR, METAR
- Fuel Requirement
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods.
- Flight Plan.
- Company Orders.
- Navigation Kit.
- Provision of flight plan to ATC.
4. Calculation Estimate of Maximum Take-Off, Zero Fuel and Landing Weight.
5. Calculation of Payload.
The main duty of the Flight Dispatcher is to execute their assigned flight under the responsibility of the captain. Flight execution implies safety, schedule regularity, passenger comfort; all factors between which no precedence can be indicated.
It is the duty of the Flight Dispatcher to perform services to the best of their knowledge and ability, and to behave in a manner appropriate to the Company’s instructions and reputation. At times their duties may go beyond those of flight execution only, or the normal scope of their profession.
The Pilot in Command, the Flight Dispatcher(Supervisor) or Manager Operation Centre are jointly responsible for the pre-flight planning, delay, and dispatch of a flight in compliance with the CASRs and Operation specifications.
The Flight Dispatcher is responsible for:
- To dispatch each flight.
- Monitoring the progress of each flight.
- Issuing necessary information for safety of the flight.
- Cancelling or re -dispatching a flight if in his opinion or the opinion of the Pilot in command, the flight cannot operate or continue to operate safely as plan or release.
- Before beginning the flight, Flight Dispatcher will inform Pilot-in-Command all available current reports or information on airport conditions and irregularities of navigation facilities that may effect to the flight safety (NOTAMs).
- During the flight, Flight Dispatcher shall inform Pilot-in-command any additional information of meteorological condition and irregularities facilities that may effect to the safety of the flight.
- Each certificate holder is responsible for the preparation and accuracy of a load manifest from before each take-off. The form must be prepare and sign by employees of the certificate holder who have the duty of supervising the loading of aircraft and preparing the load manifest forms or by other qualified persons authorized by the certificate holder.
- Flight Dispatcher is responsible for the correct handling of various documents; he will not restrict himself to hand them to handling agent, but accompany this functionary through the various government agencies in order to expedite the distribution in accordance with his specific instructions
Salam Sehat Semangat Sukses
Bambang Purnomo , SS-BA, CSCA, CAVM Solution Consultant
By Bams – March 21, 2022